BS EN10241 socket unions

A cross-sectional diagram illustrating two female socket unions. The diagram shows the threaded ends of the unions and the internal female sockets. Dimensions are labeled with "T" and "L".

Flat seat

A photo of a disassembled union fitting with all its components: the nut, the union body, and the ferrule. A rubber gasket is also visible.

Cone seat

A collection of plumbing fittings, including a union, a nut, and a coupling

Dimensions and weights chart

A table listing the nominal bore, overall length, thickness of the nut, and weight of pipe nipples in both metric and imperial units.
  • Flat seat unions are fitted with Phoenix PG-T gaskets 1mm thick.
  • Gaskets must be kept clean and dry and should not be over-tightened.
  • Although all components are produced from solid bar our recommended design pressure rating is reduced to 50 bar because the union is used only as an assembly.

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