If you cannot find what you are looking for on our website, please use the Sitemap below which contains links to all of the pages on the website:
- About Us
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- Spartan® clamps and floats
- Tubes & Fittings
- Unicone
- Latest News
- CMT Engineering is a new member of the Black Country Chamber of Commerce
- Our CEO Anjali Agrawal went to the Palace of Westminster
- CMT’s inclusive employment approach is celebrated at business summit
- Go Karting
- Business Acquisition Brings Further Success to CMT Engineering
- CMT buys International Tube & Fittings
- Products
- UNICONE® 90° and 45° elbows
- Spartan® DIY G-Clamp
- BSP threads to ISO 7.1 (Formerly BS21)
- Spartan Clamps & Floats
- Tubes & Fittings
- Gauge Syphons and Gauge Cocks
- Malleable Iron Fittings
- Technical information
- Box quantities – Reducing tees
- Box quantites – Reducing fittings
- Box quantities – Equal Fittings
- Malleable equal hexagon nipple
- Malleable equal pitcher tee
- Malleable reducing tee
- Galvanised compression coupling
- Malleable reducing 2 sizes Tee
- Malleable M/F cone seat unions
- Malleable female cone seat unions
- Malleable Backnut
- Malleable Cap
- Malleable hollow and solid plugs
- Malleable reducing hex nipple
- Malleable Hex Bush
- Malleable reducing socket
- Malleable taper thread socket
- Malleable equal cross
- Malleable reducing pitcher tee
- Malleable equal tee
- Malleable cone seat union elbows
- Malleable M/F Elbow 45°
- Malleable Elbow 45°
- Malleable iron M/F 90° Elbow
- Malleable Reducing Elbow 90°
- Malleable iron bends
- Malleable iron reducing tees
- Malleable iron female 90° elbows
- Mild Steel Screwed Pipe Fittings – BS EN 10241
- BS EN10241 spring bends
- BS EN10241 90 degree bends
- BS EN10241 heavyweight barrel nipples
- BS EN10241 close taper nipples
- BS EN10241 running nipple
- BS EN10241 longscrew connectors
- BS EN10241 round caps
- BS EN10241 backnuts
- BS EN10241 socket unions
- BS EN10241 hex plugs
- BS EN10241 square head plug
- BS EN10241 Reducing hex bushes
- BS EN10241 reducing tees
- BS EN10241 equal hex nipples
- BS EN10241 reducing sockets
- BS EN10241 heavyweight sockets full and half
- BS EN10241 45 degree elbows
- BS EN10241 male/female elbows
- BS EN10241 90 deg elbows, equal tees, crosses
- Stainless Steel 316 BSP 150lb Fittings
- Steel Tube – BS EN10255/10217
- Technical Information
- Unicone